Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yay, my first official Post

Welcome Everyone~
Thank you all so much for following my blog. I'm so excited to get started. Why did I start this blog, you may ask? I will rant rant rant and complain about my life on here. I'm totally kidding. hehe. Seriously though, I will  use this blog to hopefully promote my Etsy shop better. I will be posting new projects, items and  such and I'd love feed backs. Also, I will be hosting a Giveaway soon for all my Followers.
Anyway,  I want to personally thank all of you for letting me share a part of me with you .
Stay tuned.


  1. AnonymousMay 24, 2011

    Hey pinky, congrats on your new site. I did mine today as well. Please follow @

  2. Congrats!! I love how you have music on here too :)

  3. Hooray!!! :D
    (please come follow me2 :) Thank you!)

  4. Hi LPK! It's been an age since we talked in Etsy chats! Great to see that you're starting a blog. I've just done exactly the same. Mine is here: http://the-presentday.blogspot.com/

  5. Thank you ladies, to each one of you for following my blog. Followed all of you already (:
